Useful Information
Does Aripa Arte only work with Romanian artists?
At this time, Aripa Arte is working exclusively with Romanian artists, or artistis working in Romania. In the future, we hope to expand our reach to other countries, but currently we are only working with visual artists in or from Romania.
What types of artists does Aripa Arte support?
Aripa Arte works with visual artists working in fine art mediums. Unfortunately that excludes certain performance based artists, or those who's work is crafts based. We work with artists in mediums such as painting, photography, glass art, sculpture, printmaking, textiles, ceramics, video art, ditital art, filmmaking, iconography, and collage. While this list is not exhaustive, we basically work with visual artists in the fine art disciplines.
What is your schedule for grant/scholarship applications?
We open calls for grant/scholarship applications once a year from May to July. We are still fundraising at this time, and we will fund as many applications as funding will allow. We open our application cycle in May and accept applications until the end of July. The review committee considers each request, and applicants are notified of the committee's decision in October. Funds are distributed the following January. Please check this website regularly, and sign up for our newsletter to be informed of any new developments as they occur.
Is Aripa Arte a tax exempt organization?
Aripa Arte is incorporated in the state of Texas as a nonprofit corporation. We have been granted tax free status as a public charity through the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). That means that our donors are now able to deduct charitable contributions to Aripa Arte on their annual taxes. We have not applied to be included in any registered NGO lists in Romania, but will soon, now that our tax exempt status has been approved here in the USA.